On June 26, EcoWatch launched its "Best of Summer" Photo Contest. Throughout the summer, we've been receiving submissions from EcoWatchers, and we've been giving readers the opportunity to vote for their favorite image. Our EcoWatchers have determined their favorite photos for July and August, featured below!
Now it's time to vote on your favorite summer photo! Vote below and let us know which photo you think should win our EcoWatchers' Choice award.
Here's How to Vote:
Upvote an image below by clicking on the green up arrow located above each photo. You can also downvote photos. You can only submit one vote per photo, and voting will remain open for one week.
The winning photo from the vote will receive our "EcoWatchers' Choice" award of a $100 Patagonia e-gift card.
But that's not the only prize we're giving away. Our panel of judges are also choosing a photo to win our "Best of Summer" photo, with a $250 Patagonia e-gift card award. The judges are: Gary and Sam Bencheghib, Anthony Bucci, Amos Nachoum and Margarita Samsonova. To be considered for this larger prize, please read our guidelines below and submit your photo by September 11.
EcoWatchers' Choice July Winner

EcoWatchers' Choice August Winner

Submit your photo to bautista@ecowatch.com with the subject line "ECOWATCH SUMMER PHOTO CONTEST" by September 11th for a chance to win and to have your photo appear on EcoWatch.com. To be considered, submit your photo with the following information:
- Name
- Phone Number
- Photo Submission (.jpeg file format recommended)
- Caption & Location
- Facebook and Instagram profiles (if available)
Our judges will choose the winning photo and the winner will be announced September 23rd. The EcoWatchers' Choice award winner will also be announced September 23rd.